Monday, November 21, 2005


“Look among the nations and watch. Be amazed and astonished. I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if it were reported to you.” Habakkuk 1:5 GWT

I affirm…

1. Christ has given me a new identity! I am a saint of God, chosen by Him, a royal priest, a full-fledged member of His holy people and I belong to God – and I’m going to live like it!

2. Christ has filled me with His Holy Spirit! Daily, I will welcome the power of the Holy Spirit to fill me and to overflow into every area of life, enabling me to do the impossible in Jesus Name!

3. Christ has given me a new responsibility! Everything I possess is a gift from Him, so I’ll use it all for His purposes and glory!

4. Christ has set me free! I’m no longer in bondage to my past, to Satan or to the religious regulations of man. Instead, I’ll live in outrageous freedom fulfilling every one of God’s plans for my life!

5. Christ has shown me the truth of the Gospel! I’m fully alive in Christ and I will live this life to worship Him!

6. Christ had given me a new family! Christ’s church provides me the support I need to carry out my journey, as I give others that same support in return!

7. Christ has called me to be mature! Putting aside lesser things, I’m getting into the fight and moving forward in the things of God’s kingdom with the goal of becoming like Jesus!

Jesus – do in my life the things that I do not expect and that will truly amaze! And do it that Your Name will be exalted! Amen


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